


(*At this part, I will write the contents of this diary in English.The contents are the same as the one in Japanese.Therefore, you don't need to read this part if you understand this diary in Japanese).
When we think of the planets,we tend to think its orbit's shape as the world of Ptolemaios(,which means not earth-centered theory but the orbit of the planet is concentric circle).But the acutual orbit of the Earth is elliptic one.That result is well-known as the solution of 2 body problems.(It is difficult to lead the solution if we don't use (r,θ) coordinate…).


The solution of 2 body problems.Acutually, the origin is focal spot of the Earth's elliptic orbit

目的(purpose of this simulation)

もう少し考えてみましょう.宇宙は古典力学では3次元平面と考えられます.僕らは地球と太陽の存在する平面を勝手に設定しましたが、はたしてこれは妥当なのでしょうか? 任意の平面でちゃんと地球は公転するのでしょうか? 例えば,x-y平面では回転するのだけど,そこから45度ほど傾けた平面にすると地球がふっとんでいってしまう,ということはないのでしょうか? そんなことはありえない.そのことを今回,シミュレーションを使って確かめていきます.

Let's think more detaily.You know we can think our space is 3-dimentional plane space on the classic(Newton's) mechanics.We assumed that the Earth and the Sun exists on x-y plane,but there are some doubts which says the assumption is appropriate? I wonder whether the Earth can revolve on the arbitrary plane? For example, if we put the earth on the plane which leans by 45 degree from x-y plane, doesn't the situation occure where the Earth goes for far? I can say, "the situation is non-sense." I will be sure for it by using the simulation.

問題設定(setting of this simulation)

m\vec{a}=\frac{GMm}{r^{3}}\vec{r}(M は太陽の質量,m は地球の質量,G は万有引力定数)

We assume that the Earth is forced from only the Sun.Then,we get the following M.O.E..
m\vec{a}=\frac{GMm}{r^{3}}\vec{r}(M is the Sun's mass,m is Earth's mass,G is the gravitational constant)
Where \frac{\vec{r}}{r} is used only for we intend to express the unit vector directed for r, so we can get the summation of force forced to the Earth by using the next term
Next,we can get the force of each direction(x,y,z) to use spherical-coordinate.



I used the forth degree Runge-Kutta method. I don't explain about this method here.(So, you should google it if you want to get more knowledge on it) .
Then we can get solution only by thinking for following two equations.



I used Runge-Kutta method for the set of equations and got the next orbit.Where I set the time in simulation world is the period of revolution.


the Earth's orbit of revolution on 3-D world.


I set the Sun is the origin.I think spherical surface whose distance from the sun is 1.7×10^8km, and set the particle(the Earth) whose velocity is\vec{v}=\biggl(\array{0.77\times10^{3}\\0.77\times10^{3}\\-0.77\times10^3}\biggr)(km/minute) at the one point\vec{R}=\biggl(\array{1.202\times10^8\\0\\1.202\times10^8}\biggr) on that spherical surface.(and the velocity is tangential from the spherical surface).And I found that the Earth went stable orbit if it is put on not x-y plane.)


When I set the mass of the sun, the orbit of the Earth became the following ones.


the time in simulation world is as one‐and‐a‐half times as long as the actual period of revolution of the Earth.


the time in simulation world is as three times as long as the actual period of revolution of the Earth.


Now,we can find the Earth is pulled by the very massive Sun.